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CABA connects its members to business and community. CABA’s objective is to provide a forum for businesspeople throughout Northwest Hillsborough County to meet and develop relationships with other businesspeople.

For 39 years, CABA has been the voice of small businesses in our community. CABA provides members with unsurpassed online and member-to-member benefits that expand their reach to connect them to new prospects, clients, and referral partners.

Become a Member

CABA is volunteer-run and member-driven so everything we do is to help CABA members grow their businesses. We host weekly events to encourage business-to-business networking and we feature our members through community events, media relations, e-mail campaigns, and social media.

We provide a platform to help our members STAND OUT!

See why CABA is Tampa Bay's best business address!  Cost:  $375 to join and $350/year thereafter.

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Sunday, February 23, 2024

11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Carrollwood Village Park

CABA's Taste of Carrollwood, has attracted thousands of attendees to its annual event, and typically features 100+ exhibitors (including 30 restaurants) in an expo environment which includes special offers from local businesses and in-crowd entertainment. CABA's taste event is the event of the year for thousands of Tampa Bay residents. This is a great event for all ages, so we encourage you to invite your friends and family to join us at this year's event.

You won't want to miss it!  COME RAIN OR SHINE!


Click HERE for more information!

Mark Your Calendar

Ways to Participate

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CABA sponsors weekly B2B networking events at CABA member businesses and restaurants where members and their guests pass referrals and enjoy refreshments together.

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Regular training helps members use their membership benefits through member meet-and-greet events.

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Platforms to connect CABA to our community include annual B2C events like the Taste of Carrollwood, the CABA Annual Golf Classic, and the online member directory.

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Every CABA event includes exclusive sponsorship opportunities for members to include hosting CABA Coffees, CABA After 5’s, the CABA Taste of Carrollwood, and the CABA Annual Golf Classic.

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CABA member benefits are to boost the marketing of your business and include publicity opportunities with sponsorships, and shout-outs on social media.

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Our board of directors are volunteers who are “liaisons” to our standing committees who appoint chairs to assist them in serving CABA members and the community.

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